Art Burditt, PC help
Arthur K. Burditt, MPA

Check with Arthur

Contact Arthur - 875-7878
Serving 34481 Ocala

Computer help in Ocala

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Local Fax Sending and Receiving Service
in the 34481 Area (near S.W. Hwy 200 / 80th Avenue)

Even though most document transmittals are handled by email nowadays, there are times when a document has to be sent or received by electronic facsimile, or "fax".

Often SFUptown can provide convenient fax sending and receiving service in our immediate neighborhood area on more favorable terms than other services in the area.

If you are sending a single page or a small number of pages, a local office services store may provide you the best rate. Sometimes a bank or company where you are a customer may accommodate you by faxing for free.

However, if you have a large number of pages - or if your time or mobility is limited - we may be able to handle the job more conveniently for you at a lower price and for a nominal pickup / delivery charge.

Fax Sending and Receiving Fees

Fees for either sending or receiving start from a $10 minimum for faxing itself, plus $5 each for either pickup or delivery / return of hardcopy.

Per page rates for pages sent or received are $2.00 for cover ("transmittal") page, and $1.00 per page for document(s) transmitted.

At this minimum rate, the effective cost per page varies - the $10 minimum applies whether the job is one page or eight pages.

If a transmittal consists of more than eight pages, then the $1.00 per page flat rate goes into effect.

If you have an especially large number of pages, a lower per page rate can be negotiated by the job.

Fax services we provide are tied to a dedicated toll-free number, which will accompany any outgoing fax you send, and which you may provide to the person or organization sending you a fax.

Contact the webmaster at (352) 875-7878 for further information