Art Burditt, PC help
Arthur K. Burditt, MPA

Check with Arthur

Contact Arthur - 875-7878
Serving 34481 Ocala

Computer help in Ocala

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Website Creation, Development and Maintenance

Setting up and developing a website can be a very manageable. The key is to work with a helper and a service that match up well with how you or your group handle your work or projects.

Most non-technical persons starting up a website need a helper for navigating the steps involved, and a webhosting company to provide webspace related tools and services.

Whether it's a family project, local club, church group or small business enterprise that you want to present online, you have many options how to do it.

Depending on the type of project and your intended audience, you can
  • Create your own domain - "dot com" or "dot org" for example - paying for nominal webhosting and domain regisration services
  • Set up a free webspace with a portal such as Wix or Weebly
  • Create a "page" such as on Facebook other social network portal, often available for free
If you set up your own domain, you can
  • Use an HTML editor
  • Use an office suite word processing software
  • Use an online theme or template such as "Wordpress" makes available
Fees for assistance in website setup and development follow a flat rate schedule of $40 per hour, prorated.

Contact the webmaster at (352) 875-7878 for further information.