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Contact Arthur - 875-7878
Serving 34481 Ocala

Art Burditt, PC help
Arthur K. Burditt, MPA

Computer help in Ocala

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AARP Website Resources

Also see: AARP Books Especially for Seniors on Amazon

AARP Website Resources and Shortcuts

A lot of us are finding the Internet to be more and more cluttered with junk websites and schemers.

I've set up my web browsers and shortcuts now so I get easy access to the organizations that I really trust and deal with the most.

Instead of randomly looking for deals, many senior computer users land on a dozen or so websites for key accounts they use, and maybe a dozen or so websites that relate well to their personal interests and retiree benefits.

AARP is a good example, and the AARP website is a good one-stop internet location for taking advantage of the member benefits that AARP provides.

If you already belong to AARP, you can go to their main page at to Register online and enjoy easy access to information that helps you get more out of your membership. You'll find links on AARP's main page (upper right) to Join, Register or LogIn.

Registering means you're already a paid member but you provide identifying info and create a free account with a password to use their website.

I recommend downloading AARP's Member Benefits Guide at

You can manage your AARP account (including renewal, and opting in or out of whatever specific areas of interest you would like to be informet about by email. Here is the link manage your account -

You'll find many of the money-saving advantages of AARP membership at

AARP Driver Safety resources can be very useful. Like many of us here in the 34481 area, I've taken their driver safety course through the MTP program and am getting a discount on my auto insurance as a result. AARP also has Interactive Tools, Games, information on Traffic Laws in your State, and Exercise Programs related to driver safety especially for seniors.

Here is the link for AARP Driver Safety -

On most pages of the AARP website, you'll find a tabs for major topics at the top, but usually also a more useful and detailed table of links toward the bottom of the page.

Here is a page really worth browsing through. The most detailed roadmap to all that AARP has to offer is on their "AARP A to Z" page at

All of us save "Favorite" or "Bookmark" links such as these so we can get to the places we go on the internet conveniently. Sometimes however, it can be confusing even to find where our shortcuts are located. If you need to clean up your Browser, or Your Desktop, or any other place where you save things on your computer, this is an area where I often provide help. I'm also glad to help provide and set up links to key organizations that most seniors or retirees rely upon or find most useful.

I hope the AARP links above are a big help to all of you who are AARP members. If you're not currently a member, I've found their site to be very informative for prospective members too.