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Serving 34481 Ocala

Art Burditt, PC help
Arthur K. Burditt, MPA

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Identifying Suspicious Phone Numbers, Spams and Scams

Also see Anti-Virus, Security and Privacy Software for Your Mobile Phone

Identifying Suspicious Phone Numbers as Spams and Scams

All of us these days have to deal with a lot of unwelcome solicitations - by phone as well as by email.

Many of us - myself included - let any "out of area" calls go directly to voicemail - and then check messages to see if a return call is appropriate.

A few months ago I found a website which has been useful for me if I want to check whether a phone number might be connected to a business solicitation or some kind of spam or scam operation.

The website is called 800Notes and is located on the web at .

800notes is a FREE REVERSE PHONE NUMBER LOOKUP database built by YOU, its users. Our strength is in our numbers - by sharing pieces of information each of us has we are putting together a free and public phone number directory with information no other service can provide.

There are a lot of websites that offer phone number lookup information. Most are not very useful in my opinion. However, I've found 800Notes to be quite helpful in figuring out for myself whether or not a phone number is being reported as undesirable by other people.