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Arthur K. Burditt, MPA

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GetPaint and Other Picture Editors

Also see: Photo Software from Amazon

Picture-editing Software Tip – GetPaint Shareware Program

Hi everybody -

Picture sharing and editing is one of the most fun and popular things a lot of us do with our computers. So I'm always on the lookout for software apps that help with that.

There are several I've liked and used in recent years. LView, Picassa, Photo Gallery, Photoshop, Irfanview, and Windows' classic Paint accessory have all been handy programs to use and play with pictures and graphics.

Nowadays a lot of picture editing apps require an internet connection to run, but I prefer one that I can use as a stand-alone right on my computer, whether I'm online or not.

Especially, I like a program that I can use to modify photos and images to turn into my own screen saver slideshows or wallpapers for my desktop! (I like an app that allows me set the dimensions for a picture numerically if I choose.)

GetPaint is a picture editing app that I just recently discovered and took to liking.

It's compatible with Windows 7 SP1 or higher.

This is a "shareware" program, which means it's free but the software publisher encourages making a small donation if you like it. (They provide the donation option through PayPal.)

GetPaint provides pretty much all the photo tweeking features most of us want for modifying picture files we want to share or insert or print.

Most of my image editing for example comes down to cropping, resizing, brightening, modifying contrast, and a few other adjustments such as hue, saturation, etc.

GetPaint offers those and a lot more, and the user screens seem pretty user-friendly.

Download and installation go pretty fast with GetPaint. The programs downloads as a zip file, which not everybody is familiar with opening. But the whole installation process typically is not going to take more than about ten minutes.

Another thing I like is that it performs fairly fast. So many picture editing programs now seem to take way longer than in the past. It's a relief to find one that runs speedy and smooth.

If you're curious to check it out, you'll find the GetPaint website at .

To download, go to the download page located at and click on the link appears as a box marked "Download Now! dotPDN"

Note - Sometimes software download pages also carry advertisement or partner links to download other software apps such as "driver updates" or "installers". Don't click on these by mistake. Generally these other advertised software packages have nothing to do with the software you're looking for, and they may have unpredictable impacts on your computer performance.